
Harnessing Red Light Therapy at Home for Eczema Management

Eczema, a type of dermatitis, is a chronic disease with irritating symptoms such as dry, scaly, and itchy skin. This is commonly seen in the creases of your elbows, behind your knees, wrists and ankles. 

It is also known as a hereditary disease- research has shown that children with one or both parents who have eczema are more likely to develop it themselves. 

This life-long disease is known to affect approximately 1.5 million people in the UK. 

Though eczema is not contagious, it is sad to say that it’s not curable. With that being said, remedies like topical ointments and creams, antibiotics, injectible medication, and skin treatments do exist - and key among these skin treatments is the application of red light therapy at home. 

What Studies Say About Red Light Therapy at Home for Eczema

Rojo Light Therapy understands that offering an evidence-based solution is crucial, as eczema remains challenging for many individuals. 

A clinical study reports that using low reactive level laser therapy, like red light therapy, decreased 79% of sensations of itchiness in 81 cases; 71% of 81 cases experienced improvement in skin eruption. Subsequently, no side effects were observed during the study. 

Further research conducted in a 2015 study found that LED light therapy could be an alternative therapeutic strategy for soothing eczema discomfort when combined with a water bath. 

As per a 2013 study, red light therapy potentially stimulates stem cells, known as the body’s ‘master cells’ for healing, which may contribute to the regeneration of skin cells, reducing an uneasy feeling from eczema symptoms. 

The Science Behind Red Light Therapy at Home and Eczema

But how does red light therapy at home specifically work for eczema? Dr. Micheal R. Hamblin, a principal investigator at Massachusetts General Hospital, and professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School, posits that near-infrared light therapy increases the body’s level of antioxidants. These are molecules that neutralise free radicals- which helps reduce oxidative stress and prevent cell damage, by donating electrons to unpaired atoms looking to take from healthy, functioning cells. 

Preventing cell damage simply means reducing the likelihood of triggering an immune response from eczema. As a result, preventing cell damage also reduces some of the associated conditions like allergies and asthma- often coexisting with eczema.  

Is Red Light Therapy Safe? 

Compared to UV light therapy, which can result in tender sunburn and blistering, red light therapy is non-invasive, as it uses a very low level of heat that doesn’t hurt or burn the skin. 

On the other hand, our safest option is to consult your dermatologist before trying out new remedies, as individual responses vary. We highly recommend individuals with certain medical conditions always prioritise professional guidance to make informed decisions tailored to their health profile. 

H2: Experience red light therapy at-home device with Rojo Light 

Aside from addressing eczema, studies are also emerging about red light therapy’s benefits for blood flow, muscle pain, hair growth and many more. 

Rojo Light Therapy offers a wide range of red light therapy devices, intended to cater for your comfort- handheld, mid-sized and full-body panels. Our devices have ultra-low electromagnetic fields (EMF), ensuring your safety and peace of mind. 
Reach out today to experience the benefits of red light therapy in your own comfort.

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Disclaimer: All ROJO light therapy products are considered low risk and designed for general health and wellbeing, they are not intended to cure or prevent specific medical conditions, diseases, or prescribe any course of action. The content on this website is for informational or educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. Before using our products, a health professional should be consulted, we are not medical professionals, so please contact your GP or health practitioner for medical advice.
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